Our Field of Bodhisattva Practice

It is quite revealing that the Buddha declines the offer of bodhisattvas from other worlds to help in this world. It indicates that we who live in this world have to be responsible for our own world. We can rely neither on gods nor extraterrestrial beings of any kind to fulfill our responsibilities. In recent years we have experienced extremely severe “natural calamities” all over the world. No doubt some of these were unavoidable, but almost certainly some were related to the warming trend of the earth’s climate, which results directly from human activity, from releasing greater and greater quantities of carbon dioxide into the earth’s atmosphere. Some potential disasters can be avoided if we realize that this is the only home we or our descendants will ever have and begin to take better care of it.

Of course, the authors and compilers of the Dharma Flower Sutra had no idea of modern environmental issues such as global warming. Still, they did have a very keen sense of the importance of this world as the home both of Shakyamuni and of themselves. They too thought that what we human beings do with our lives, how we live on this earth, is of the utmost importance.

Thus, this story is not only about affirmation of the earth. As is always the case when a text is read religiously, it is also about ourselves, in this case, the hearers or readers of the Dharma Flower Sutra. It tells us who we are – namely, people with responsibilities for this world and what it will become, people who are encouraged to follow the bodhisattva way toward being a buddha, people for whom, like Shakyamuni Buddha, this world of suffering is our world, our field of bodhisattva practice.

The Stories of the Lotus Sutra, p192