The Division of the Necklace

The division of the necklace into two by the Bodhisattva Regarder of the Cries of the World indicates the following: “I owe my supernatural power to the Tathāgata Śākyamuni, who taught me the truth, and to the Tathāgata Abundant Treasures, who bore witness to the truth.” The bodhisattva revealed here that he had obtained his transcendent power as the result of realizing and practicing the truth taught by the Tathāgata Śākyamuni. Since many people have lost sight of this important point, they entertain the superstitious and simplistic belief that they will be saved from their sufferings by merely keeping in mind and revering the Bodhisattva Regarder of the Cries of the World. Modern people must reject such a mistaken belief entirely.

Buddhism for Today, p382