The Specific Transmission and the General Transmission

Nichiren Buddhism considers Chapter 21 as specifically transmitting the spreading of daimoku in the Latter Age of the Degeneration of the Dharma to the bodhisattvas from underground represented by Superior Practice Bodhisattva. Then in Chapter 22, “Transmission,” the Buddha charges all the members of the assembly with spreading the Lotus Sūtra and all other sūtras in the buddhaless world. The former is called the “specific transmission,” the latter the “general transmission.” A deep analysis of these academic distinctions is not necessary. To answer the message of the Lotus Sūtra, we should think of this transmission as coming directly to us. Receiving this transmission, we must ourselves commit to becoming teachers of the Dharma and messengers of the Tathāgata and put this transmission into action.

History and Teachings of Nichiren Buddhism, p 94